Travel from your sofa

Going travelling is one of the most amazing things but unless you’re either very rich or very lucky it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to afford to go as often as you’d like. A few years ago I wrote a piece about travelling from the comfort of my own front room through nights in with good film and good food: eating a pea and paneer korma whilst watching The Darjeeling Limited; Tucking into a homemade sushi and a bowl of ramen whilst relaxing in front of Spirited Away. Reading back over this got me thinking: if only there was some sort of shop that sold everything you’d need to be able to travel from your sofa during those long months between trips.

So, I started one myself! Moon Mail is the subscription box service that allows you to travel the universe from the comfort of your own sofa. Simply subscribe to Moon Mail to receive a new and exciting box sent to you each month containing a selection of beautiful and interesting items that will transport you to a different land with each box. One month you may be transported to the vibrant, brightly coloured, riverside villages of India and the next you may find yourself in a quaint English garden. You may even discover yourself in a deep ocean surrounded by strange sea creatures or floating in the vast beauty of space. Inside your Moon Mail box you will find a selection of handpicked goodies that will transport you to whichever land we’re focusing on that month. It may be the Brazilian rainforest, the Artic, an African Safari or even the moon! Moon Mail will transport you to a new place with each box, which you can enjoy with a cuppa in your own front room. Items will range from handmade and artisan products made locally to exciting trinkets from across the globe. An example box may contain the following: A hand painted tote bag, some tea, a vintage neck scarf, a badge and a pair of earrings.

The only problem now is that I still need to find a business that I can buy from so I can enjoy travelling from my sofa too! Please check out my new business at
